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The Divide is my trilogy of children’s fantasy novels, which have been translated into several other languages.

Ice Feathers is aimed at a similar audience. If you liked Ironclaw, there's a good chance you'll like Kohuru too.

I’ve written several books for struggling readers.

I also write fiction and poetry for adults.

I’ve had several different incarnations as a writer, starting out with plays for BBC Radio 4. The first one was called Somebody Else’s Smile, and was broadcast on June 9th,  1978, with the wonderful Patricia Hayes as a geriatric trouble-maker. I’ve written short stories for newspapers, magazines and radio, as well as poetry, children’s books and novellas. I originally studied fine art, although I later did an MA in Creative Writing, and nearly all the artwork on the site is mine. I’m also a keen amateur naturalist, and I unashamedly post my wildlife photographs on my blog!


This is the official website of the author Elizabeth Kay